從朱芯儀的治療經歷談起, 真的要口袋夠深? 治療好漫長? 長島乳房醫學影像中心(永承診所)

on .

1. 癌險/生物相似藥/早期診斷
生物類似藥物(Biosimilar)是一種針對癌症治療的革命性的抗癌藥物,可以提供更有效、經濟實惠的治療方法。Biosimilar drugs are revolutionizing the way we treat breast cancer. These drugs offer a more effective and cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments, creating a new path for treating this devastating disease. Biosimilar drugs are made from living cells, which can be tailored to the specific needs of a patient. This means that they can target the cancer cells more precisely and reduce the risk of side effects. With this new technology, we may finally be able to provide patients with the best possible treatment for their breast cancer.
2. 乳癌治療計劃
3. 長島2023新計劃公開
